Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Misadventures of a Semi-Professional Comedian Blog Review

Misadventures of a Semi-Professional Comedian could be defined like a “daily me” blog, although the author specifically talks about the difficulties of trying to become a professional comedian. The author, Jules Posner, writes very honestly and as a reader I am interested by how frustrating it is for comedians to talk in front of a cold crowd. Overall, the author explains the annoyances local comedians have to deal with: tough crowd, hosting duties, number of people doing open mic, and moving to different venues. I like that the blog is very realistic and entertaining. For example, when doing an open mic most people leave towards the end of the program, and when Jules went to San Jose for a show the venue did not notify anyone they no longer host open mic nights. In addition, the blog has one video on booked showcases, which is a step above open mic that showcases Jules and other comedians’ performances. The writing style of Posner’s blog is written as a “daily me” blog, but since the content is very specific the blog never gets boring which keeps the reader’s attention.

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