Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Ask For Permission Part II Featuring Roommate Joe

Currently, I live in a townhouse two blocks away from my old apartment with six other people. One of my roommates and close friends is Joe. Joe is not his real name; it is an alias I am using to protect his identity. Before moving in, Joe was infamous for using and donating other roommates’ property. In one instance, Joe thought Costco pot stickers would taste better if he added tea flavor to the wonton wrap. The mistake Joe made was that he used expensive tea leaves imported from Taiwan to make his pot stickers, and worst of all the tea belonged to his roommate Eddie. Eddie came home he screamed at the sight of Joe using his expensive tea to make Costco pot stickers. The whole dilemma kept getting worse and worse. Joe's pot stickers tasted awful, he wasted high quality tea, and he could have used a cheaper brand of tea to cook. As of today, everyone recalls Joe’s idiocy as an example of being an awful roommate.
In a similar instance, Joe found a bunch of random things lying around in the living room. He assumed people did not want to keep these possessions anymore, so he donated them without asking. I was not living with Joe at the time, but his roommates were outraged. One person lost a digital camera that still contained personal pictures that had not been loaded onto a computer, and everyone else lost some of their clothes. Joe is infamous for weird behavior. He is a nice guy we all love, and we do make fun of his short comings. Be on the lookout if you see him again on the blog.

1 comment:

Karina said...

I hate it when nice people turn out to be terrible roommates. You keep making excuses for them, but in the end it's better if you just don't live with them. No lie, when I lived at home my mother would randomly donate my things. I really wouldn't consider her a roommate, but still not cool. Good thing that you're not living with him anymore.